The sequel to Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo is set to be serialized as a manga, with a focus on one of the original game’s eight central characters.
The news of the manga sequel was quietly revealed during a livestream celebration marking the first anniversary of Paranormasight. The developers unveiled a teaser image during the stream, hinting at the continuation of the story from the visual novel game.
The manga will primarily center around Mio Kurosuzu, a standout character from the original game known for her expertise in the paranormal. Mio shared a close bond with the fiery Yakko Sakazaki. To avoid spoilers for those who have yet to experience Paranormasight, further details about Mio’s role will be kept under wraps.
Paranormasight may not have received much attention upon its release, with Square Enix acknowledging the need to improve marketing strategies for its games. Despite the lack of initial fanfare, the manga adaptation aims to bring renewed interest to the series.
While Mio takes the spotlight, the manga will incorporate the other seven leading characters in supporting roles. Characters such as detectives Tetsuo Tsutsumi and Jun Erio, private investigator Richter Kai, and Shogo Okiie will become entangled in another mystery in Tokyo.
One intriguing aspect of the manga adaptation will be how it navigates the diverse endings of the main game. Paranormasight offers multiple endings and story pathways, each contributing to the game’s allure.
Regrettably, Takanari Ishiyama, the veteran developer behind Paranormasight, will not be directly involved in the manga sequel. Despite his extensive career, Ishiyama remains relatively unknown in the West, prompting efforts to raise awareness of his contributions to the gaming industry.