The debut of the new Ultimate Spider-Man unfolds in a vastly distinct world from that of the mainstream Marvel Universe Spider-Man. Marvel Comics is now providing a preview of Ultimate Spider-Man #2, penned by Jonathan Hickman and illustrated by Marco Checchetto. This issue marks the introduction of the new Ultimate Spider-Man’s first official adversary: the Ultimate Shocker.
Crafted by Checchetto, the redesigned Shocker draws inspiration from the classic version, retaining signature elements such as the padded bodysuit and patented shock gauntlets. However, it incorporates the more grounded and tactical style of the new Ultimate Spider-Man, featuring a stylized bomb vest and other somewhat militarized elements.
Marvel’s official description of Ultimate Spider-Man #2 outlines the storyline: “Taking on great responsibility as Spider-Man, an adult Peter web-swings into the New York skies for the first time, ready to use his newfound abilities to help fix the world in any way he can, all while balancing his new role with being a devoted husband and loving father.” Set a month into Peter’s superhero journey, the issue promises an electrifying battle with the Shocker, marking Peter’s first super-powered brawl.
The original Shocker, Herman Schultz, created by John Romita, Sr. in 1967’s Amazing Spider-Man #46, was a gifted yet criminally inclined engineer with homemade blast gauntlets. In the reborn Ultimate Universe, Checchetto shares insights into designing a new look for the villain. “He’s at the beginning of his career, so I wanted to create something different,” Checchetto explained. The new Shocker sports a bomb squad suit for protection against his gloves’ powers, maintaining some details of the classic costume.
Interestingly, Ultimate Spider-Man #2 also features more of the Green Goblin, raising questions about the dynamics of his relationship with Spidey in this new Ultimate Universe. Despite the Green Goblin not claiming the role of Spidey’s first adversary, the issue teases a unique narrative direction.
Ultimate Spider-Man #2 is set to hit shelves on February 21.