A substantial update is on the horizon for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, promising an array of exciting additions to Insomniac’s beloved superhero adventure. Set to launch on March 7th, the upcoming Update 1.002 brings with it a host of enhancements, including a plethora of new suits and the introduction of a fresh New Game Plus mode.
One of the standout features of this update is the ability to carry over unlocked suits and abilities to a new save file, allowing players to embark on another playthrough with increased difficulty while retaining their hard-earned progress. Among the unlocks are Ultimate Levels and Golden Gadget styles, as well as new suit variations for Peter’s symbiote story suit and customizable colors for symbiote abilities.
Players can look forward to brand-new suits inspired by Marvel’s Hellfire Gala for both Peter and Miles, adding even more variety to their superhero wardrobe.
The update also brings improvements to Photo Mode, enabling players to change the time of day after completing the game’s story. Furthermore, there are enhanced accessibility options such as audio descriptions and a screen reader, making the game more inclusive for all players.
While the update itself is free for all players, there’s an option to donate $5 (UK price to be announced) for early access to a forthcoming pair of suits for Peter and Miles, available via the Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack.
Notably, 100 percent of donations made in the US prior to April 5th will benefit Gameheads, a charity dedicated to assisting low-income and underrepresented students in pursuing careers in the video game industry. These suits will eventually be made available to all Spider-Man 2 owners at a later date.