Cliff Bleszinski, also known as Cliffy B, has expressed multiple times his interest in returning to the Gears of War series. However, after openly pursuing a consulting role, he now states that “it’s time to move on.”
Formerly the lead designer for the original Gears of War trilogy, Bleszinski later founded the now-closed Boss Key Productions and led the development of the gravity-defying arena shooter Lawbreakers.
In recent months, he has used social media and various interviews to express his desire to contribute to the iconic franchise. In a discussion with Comic Book, Bleszinski pitched the idea of a soft reboot for the shooter series, adding that “Phil Spencer has my number.”
Addressing the situation on social media, Bleszinski reiterated his willingness to consult and provide input, acknowledging the significant role Gears of War played in his legacy.
He emphasized that while he appreciates the franchise’s importance, Microsoft and Coalition, the publisher and developer, respectively, have not contacted him. Despite expressing that it is what it is, he suggested that enlisting him for input would be beneficial, particularly from a public relations perspective.
In a more optimistic tone, Bleszinski shared that he has moved on from the Gears of War series and is now focused on other projects, including pursuits in Broadway, memoirs, and a comic book series named Scrapper. He thanked supporters for their encouragement and clarified that, despite his extensive contributions beyond the game series, it’s time to move on.
The Gears of War series, a third-person shooter-chainsaw franchise, has not seen a new entry since 2019’s Gears 5 and its well-received Hivebusters expansion a year later. However, fans can anticipate the upcoming live-action film and animated series currently in development at Netflix, providing a continuation of the beloved hunky army soldiers and scaly underground monsters narrative.