In a bizarre series of events, wrestling superstar CM Punk found himself trapped overnight at WWE headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. The 45-year-old former AEW World Champion took to Instagram to share his ordeal, which began after he hosted the Backlash France Kickoff pre-show on Saturday alongside Big E and Jackie Redmond.
After the pre-show, Punk changed out of his suit in the bathroom, only to discover he was locked in. By the time he managed to escape, the entire building had emptied, and all employees had gone home for the night. To make matters worse, Punk claimed he missed his flight and was unable to watch the Backlash event.
The drama didn’t end there, however. Punk checked in with fans via Instagram Stories, posting two clips that showed him wandering the empty hallways of WWE HQ. The clips sparked speculation about his whereabouts, with some wondering if he might make an appearance on tomorrow’s post-Backlash RAW, which takes place just a 1.5-hour drive away in Hartford, Connecticut.
Punk is currently recovering from a tricep injury, but rumors are swirling about a potential showdown with Drew McIntyre, who is also recovering from an elbow injury.
According to insiders, WWE is planning to book the highly anticipated match once both men are medically cleared. Matt Hardy, who has faced both Punk and McIntyre in the ring, weighed in on the potential bout, saying it has all the makings of a main event worthy of a premium live event, even without a title on the line.
Hardy emphasized the importance of drama in pro wrestling, citing the personal grudge between Punk and McIntyre as the key to making their match a big deal. As fans continue to speculate about Punk’s mysterious wandering at WWE HQ, one thing is clear: the wrestling world is eagerly awaiting the return of The Second City Saint to the ring.