Bandai Namco has revealed a new addition to the Dragon Ball franchise titled Dragon Ball Project: Multi. Unlike the series’ traditional fighting games, this latest installment will be a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena).
Players will participate in 4v4 matches where they must capture objectives and fight against other players. As the game progresses, characters will grow stronger, enabling them to defeat opponents and bosses more effectively. The game will feature three distinct character classes: Damage, Tank, and Technical.
Dragon Ball Project: Multi stands out as the first team-oriented free-to-play game within the Dragon Ball series. The shift to a team-based MOBA format introduces a new layer of strategy and cooperation, requiring players to work together to achieve victory. The inclusion of different character classes allows for varied gameplay experiences, catering to different player preferences and enhancing team dynamics.
A regional beta for the game is set to take place in several countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, France, Japan, and Germany. The beta will be conducted in two phases, with the first phase running from August 19 to September 2 and the second from August 20 to September 3.
Players can join the beta by downloading the mobile app or requesting access via Steam. It’s important to note that all progress made during the beta will be wiped once the final version of the game is released.
The full version of Dragon Ball Project: Multi will be available for download on the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Steam. With its emphasis on teamwork and strategic gameplay, this new Dragon Ball game offers a fresh take on the beloved franchise, giving fans a new way to engage with the characters and world they love.
The upcoming beta will allow players to get an early look at the game and provide feedback ahead of its official release.