Toei Animation, renowned for iconic anime like One Piece and The First Slam Dunk, has embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Sonic the Hedgehog game designer Naoto Oshima for an ambitious new project. This endeavor marks Toei’s most significant CGI venture yet.
Entitled “Hypergalactic,” the upcoming film is set in a futuristic backdrop, chronicling the exploits of a daring teenage girl, voiced by Elsie Fisher of Eighth Grade fame, and her younger brother. Together, they join forces with Ohkan, voiced by Adam Devine, who emerges as Earth’s long-forgotten guardian.
Their mission? To reunite with their vanished parents. What unfolds is an unexpected adventure brimming with revelations, as the unlikely trio learns the true essence of family. The voice cast is further enriched by the talents of JK Simmons and Sam Richardson from The Afterparty.
Steering the helm of this cinematic journey is director David N. Weiss, celebrated for his contributions to screenplays such as Shrek 2, The Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, and The Smurfs.
Collaborating on the story and characters are Oshima and Joseph Chou, producer of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. Currently undergoing post-production, Hypergalactic anticipates its audience eagerly, though an official release date is yet to be announced.
Yoshi Ikezawa, a producer at Toei, expressed enthusiasm for Hypergalactic’s potential to captivate audiences worldwide. He lauded Oshima’s creation as a multicultural odyssey of grand proportions, seamlessly blending diverse global characters with the quintessential Japanese Anime aesthetic and a narrative approach resonant with Western audiences.
Ikezawa reiterated Toei’s commitment to delivering top-tier animation to a broader global demographic, extending beyond its loyal fanbase.
As enthusiasts await the premiere of Hypergalactic on the silver screen, they can indulge in a preview of what’s to come by exploring our comprehensive guide to the most anticipated anime releases of 2024.