Amazon has commissioned a new animated anthology series for Prime Video, featuring original stories set in various existing video game worlds. The series, tentatively titled Secret Level, will explore environments from popular games like Spelunky and Amazon’s own New World. This project aims to create new narratives within these established game universes.
According to Deadline, Secret Level is being developed by Tim Miller and his studio Blur Studio, known for their work on Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots. The series is expected to follow a similar format to Netflix’s anthology show, where each episode presents a standalone story within the context of different video game worlds. This approach is reminiscent of how Love, Death & Robots adapts existing short stories into animated episodes.
The specific video games featured in Secret Level have not been fully disclosed yet. However, Deadline reports that the series will include Spelunky, the popular roguelike platformer by Derek Yu, Amazon’s MMO New World, and several unnamed titles from PlayStation. This variety suggests a diverse range of genres and storytelling styles.
A full reveal of Secret Level is expected during Gamescom Opening Night Live, which will take place on August 20th at 7pm BST. This event is anticipated to offer the first detailed look at the series and provide more information about the featured games and narrative elements.
Amazon’s new animated series comes on the heels of the success of its live-action Fallout adaptation, which debuted earlier this year. With this high standard set, Secret Level will have notable expectations to meet. Although a God of War adaptation was announced in 2022, it appears to be further in development, making Secret Level a significant part of Amazon’s current video game adaptation efforts.