Writer-director James Cameron initially set out to create five Avatar films, but he’s now expanding his vision to include plans for Avatar 6 and Avatar 7 as well. Despite this ambitious scope, Cameron mentioned to Collider that he’s unlikely to helm the director’s chair for these subsequent installments.
“We’ve already mapped out the story arc up to movie five, and I have concepts for six and seven, though I’ll probably step back by then,” Cameron explained. “Reality catches up eventually. Nonetheless, we’re thoroughly enjoying the process and collaborating with incredible talents.”
This notion isn’t entirely new. Cameron had hinted back in 2022 that he might not direct Avatar 4 or 5 either, citing the demanding nature of the Avatar franchise’s production and his desire to pursue other creative ventures. However, he hasn’t made any definitive decisions yet.
“At some point down the line—whether after the third film or the fourth—I’ll likely pass the torch to a trusted director, allowing me to explore other projects of interest. Or perhaps not. It’s still uncertain,” he remarked.
Avatar 3, currently untitled, is slated for release in December 2025 and is currently undergoing post-production. Following that, if plans remain intact, there will be Avatar 4 and Avatar 5. While the previous Avatar films centered around the benevolent Na’vi tribes, Avatar 3 promises a shift with the introduction of antagonistic Na’vi characters.
Returning cast members will be joined by new faces like Michelle Yeoh (known for The Witcher: Blood Origin), Oona Chaplin (from Game of Thrones), and David Thewlis (famous for Harry Potter). It’s highly probable that some of these additions will portray members of the newly introduced fire-centric faction.
The 2009 film Avatar holds the distinction of being the highest-grossing movie globally, having amassed $2.92 billion. Following closely behind is Avatar: The Way of Water at No. 3 with $2.3 billion.
Cameron’s 1997 epic Titanic claims the fourth spot with $2.26 billion, marking him as the director behind three of the top four highest-grossing films ever. Rounding up the top five are Disney properties, with Avengers: Endgame at No. 2 ($2.79 billion) and Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens at No. 5 ($2.07 billion).