The series is written by Alex Paknadel and illustrated by Justin Mason. Unlike the original Sentinels, which were pure machines, these new Sentinels are humans transformed into mutant-hunting weapons through advanced nanotechnology, reminiscent of the X-Men ’97 villain Bastion’s Prime Sentinels.
The storyline introduces a unique twist: the new Sentinels are led by Lawrence Trask, the mutant son of the original Sentinels’ creator, Bolivar Trask. Lawrence directs the Sentinels against specific mutant threats that he believes will cause catastrophic events.
Their initial target is the notorious villain Omega Red, and Marvel hints that this series will introduce a significant new adversary who will shape the ‘From the Ashes’ era’s first year.
The series promises a cast of new characters who form the Sentinel team: Sawtooth, Lockstep, Drumfire, and Voivod. These characters are connected to major Marvel events such as Secret Empire and World War Hulk. Marvel’s official description emphasizes the moral and existential dilemmas these new Sentinels face, given their dual role as both protectors and potential threats to the delicate peace between mutants and humans.
Writer Alex Paknadel expresses his excitement about the project, highlighting the complexity and humanity of the characters involved. He promises that the story will defy readers’ expectations and offer compelling narratives about flawed individuals grappling with their roles as Sentinels. The first issue of Sentinels is set for release on October 9, adding to a lineup of new titles in the ‘From the Ashes’ series.
The return of the Sentinels marks a significant development in the X-Men universe, reimagining these iconic villains with a fresh perspective and new challenges. The series aims to explore deeper themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of wielding immense power, making it a notable addition to Marvel’s evolving X-Men saga.