The new docuseries “Who Killed WCW?” produced by Vice TV and Seven Bucks Productions, premiered earlier this week, aiming blame at Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan for the demise of World Championship Wrestling (WCW). WWE Hall of Famers Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Madusa, and Booker T joined in the criticism, while Bischoff defended himself by pointing fingers at Turner Broadcasting’s higher-ups.
Bret Hart expressed his views on the demise of WCW, attributing it to Hulk Hogan’s influence on Eric Bischoff. “That’s the secret, is that Hulk Hogan was basically the puppet master to Eric Bischoff, and Eric Bischoff, he was just a prop, and that’s what killed WCW,” said Hart.
Madusa and Hart further criticized Bischoff’s leadership in the final years of WCW, referring to it as a disaster. Meanwhile, Bischoff responded to the allegations by highlighting the role of Turner Broadcasting’s executives in wanting WCW to disappear. “They wanted WCW to go away… They got their wish,” Bischoff stated.
The four-part series will continue to explore topics such as the nWo, Bill Goldberg, the war with WWE, and The New Blood, with exclusive footage from the final WCW Nitro episode. Upcoming episode titles include “The End of The Streak” and “New Blood,” scheduled for June 11 and June 18, respectively. The finale is expected to air on June 25.