Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse, the final installment of Telltale Games’ beloved episodic series, is set to receive a remaster on August 14, 2024. Originally concluding in 2010, this season saw the dynamic duo Sam the Dog and Max the Bunny confront Eldritch gods and alien warlords in their quirky crime-fighting adventures.
Developed by Skunkape Games, known for their faithful remasters of earlier Sam & Max titles, this updated version promises enhanced graphics, audio improvements, dynamic lighting, and revised character models that stay true to Steve Purcell’s original designs.
The remaster retains the original storyline where Max discovers a mystical toy granting glimpses of the future, leading to a race against villains vying for the powerful Toys of Power, housed in the enigmatic Devil’s Toybox.
Sam and Max must navigate through this surreal challenge, facing their most formidable foe yet: the potent abilities of Max’s mind. The game also features new voice acting, music by original composer Jared Emerson-Johnson, and revamped gameplay elements, including updated user interfaces and controller support across platforms.
Skunkape Games, formed by former Telltale staff, acquired the Sam & Max rights in 2018 after Telltale’s closure. Their dedication to preserving the series’ charm while modernizing its technical aspects has been evident in previous remasters. Fans can anticipate a nostalgic yet refined experience, seamlessly blending classic humor with contemporary gaming standards.
Upon its release, Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Remastered will be available across major gaming platforms: PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC (via Steam and GOG). This wide availability ensures that fans old and new can enjoy the adventures of Sam and Max in their enhanced and revitalized form.
As excitement builds for this long-awaited remaster, hopes linger for future adventures that might continue the legacy of these iconic characters in the gaming world.