At the Future Games Show during Gamescom, Post Trauma was showcased, revealing its release date and debuting a new trailer. Presented by Sid Meier’s Civilization® VII, the trailer was part of the Expansion Pack post-show. It sets a chilling tone with an initial focus on an eerie, abandoned subway train, quickly immersing viewers in the game’s unsettling atmosphere.
The trailer guides viewers through a dark, deserted underground space, intensifying the horror as the main character discovers he’s not alone. Key moments include a giant arm emerging from the floor and grotesque figures with oversized heads, arms, and legs. These disturbing elements hint at the game’s nightmarish encounters and the challenges players will face.
The trailer also features voiceover work and showcases new characters and environments, adding depth to the game’s world. The big reveal at the end is the release date: Post Trauma will launch on October 29, 2024, for Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, just in time for Halloween, which aligns perfectly with its horror theme.
Post Trauma pays homage to classic survival horror games, drawing inspiration from titles like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Players can expect to manage limited resources, solve complex puzzles, and confront terrifying enemies in a tense, atmospheric setting.
In Post Trauma, players assume the role of Roman, a middle-aged train conductor trapped in a nightmarish reality. The game’s objective is to navigate this twisted world and return to his family, all while uncovering disturbing secrets along the way.