Nintendo Switch Sports has introduced basketball, bringing a new arena with an elegant, restrained Zaha Hadid-inspired design. The arena features trailing plants, a glass-fronted café with glowing amber lights, and an outdoor seating area, although there’s a risk of getting hit by a basketball while enjoying your coffee. This update adds a fresh and inviting atmosphere to the game.
The main basketball mode is two-on-two, playable solo, with friends, or online. Teams are divided into offense and defense, and surprisingly, defense has been highlighted as particularly enjoyable. The offensive gameplay involves dribbling, shooting, and passing, with intuitive controls using the Joy-Con. The game’s physics make even failed shots fun to watch.
On defense, the game shifts to a more strategic and competitive experience. Players can block shots, mark opponents, and swipe the ball away, disrupting the opposing team’s play. This defensive play brings a unique dynamic, making it both delightful and challenging, depending on your role.
In addition to two-on-two, there are other basketball challenges, such as the three-point challenge where players shoot as many baskets as possible within a time limit. This mode can be played solo or with friends, making for a fun, competitive arcade experience.
Another exciting mode is the five-streak battle, where players must score five consecutive baskets without missing. This mode involves multiple players shooting at the same basket simultaneously, creating chaotic and enjoyable gameplay reminiscent of fireworks. Basketball adds a vibrant new element to Nintendo Switch Sports, enhancing its appeal with fresh content and engaging multiplayer options.