“Jurassic World: Chaos Theory” marks the return of the beloved Nublar Six, voiced by the core cast of the “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous” animated series on Netflix. This sequel series follows the success of “Camp Cretaceous,” which spanned five seasons, chronicling the adventures of six campers stranded on Isla Nublar after the events of the first “Jurassic World” film.
Set six years after “Camp Cretaceous,” “Chaos Theory” reunites the core cast, with the exception of Jenna Ortega’s character, Brooklynn, whose death is confirmed in the official trailer.
Let’s meet the main voice actors in “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory”:
Paul-Mikél Williams voices Darius Bowman, the de facto leader and dinosaur expert of the Nublar Six. Darius spearheads the mission to reunite the group and unravel why they are targeted by an unknown organization.
Darren Barnet steps into the role of Kenji Kon, replacing Ryan Potter. Kenji is Brooklynn’s boyfriend and becomes Darius’ adoptive brother. His father’s affiliation with Mantah Corp adds complexity to the storyline.
Raini Rodriguez returns as Sammy Gutierrez, Yasmina’s best friend and girlfriend. Her positive nature is tested as she learns more about Brooklynn’s death and the new threat they face.
Kausar Mohammed voices Yasmina “Yaz” Fadoula, the athletic member of the Nublar Six. She faces disruptions to her peaceful life with Sammy when Darius and Ben warn them of impending danger.
Sean Giambrone reprises his role as Ben Pincus, the dinosaur enthusiast who reunites with Darius to uncover the truth behind Brooklynn’s death.
While Jenna Ortega’s character, Brooklynn, appears to meet her demise, there’s speculation about her fate, with some suggesting her voice may feature in archival recordings.
“Jurassic World: Chaos Theory” promises to deliver thrilling adventures and mysteries as the Nublar Six navigate dangers on Isla Nublar once again.