Ranon Sarono, a lead animator at Infinity Ward known for his work on Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3, has introduced an eccentric gun concept that has piqued the interest of Call of Duty players. This weapon, dubbed The Whizzbanger, is an imaginative creation that reflects a whimsical approach to game design.
The Whizzbanger is a fantastical weapon that fires 50 caliber rounds through an unconventional method: striking the back of the shell with a sledgehammer. This bizarre idea is inspired by a meme from the now-defunct Pimp My Gun website, combining elements from the Lillya sledgehammer and a bullet from Escape from Tarkov. Despite its impracticality, the weapon’s design is visually striking and intriguing.
Acknowledging the unrealistic nature of The Whizzbanger, Sarono emphasizes that the weapon is meant to be a humorous and absurd creation. He states that the concept deliberately ignores real-world physics, embracing the ridiculousness of the meme that inspired it. Sarono encourages viewers to suspend their disbelief and enjoy the whimsical nature of the animation.
Sarono’s expertise in animating weapons for Modern Warfare is evident in this creative project. His goal at Infinity Ward is to make weapons feel satisfying and powerful in gameplay, and The Whizzbanger, despite its impracticality, showcases his ability to craft visually compelling and engaging weapon animations.
Meanwhile, the latest Call of Duty installment, Black Ops 6, has launched as the largest game in the series, requiring over 300GB of space on Xbox Series X/S. This highlights the continuing expansion and evolution of the Call of Duty franchise alongside the innovative and playful contributions of animators like Sarono.