BioWare aims to address past shortcomings in its character creation system with “Dragon Age: The Veilguard,” particularly focusing on improving options for non-white skin tones. In an interview with Edge magazine, game director Corianne Busche admitted that previous installments of the series did not handle skin tone options well, especially for people of color.
Busche explained that BioWare’s goal with “The Veilguard” is to make amends for these past issues. Although the full capabilities of the new character creator haven’t been revealed yet, initial impressions suggest that it will offer more nuanced adjustments than earlier versions of the game.
This commitment to improved character creation aligns with BioWare’s broader creative philosophy for the game, which is centered around allowing players to “be who you want to be.” Busche emphasized that features like the new character creator are crucial in helping players see themselves represented within the game.
The advancements in RPG character creation have been significant in recent years, with titles like “Baldur’s Gate 3” and “Diablo 4” leading the way in inclusivity. While these games also have room for growth, “The Veilguard” aims to meet the new standards of representation and avoid being left behind.