The popular video game series “Assassin’s Creed” is making a return to the world of comics with a new installment in the “Assassin’s Creed: Visionaries” series, created by Massive Publishing and Studio Lounak. This series offers top comic creators the chance to explore the rich lore of “Assassin’s Creed” by crafting new stories that introduce entirely new Assassins set in various historical eras and locations.
This approach allows for fresh, creative storytelling while staying true to the beloved themes of the game franchise.
The latest addition to this series is titled “Powder Decima,” and it features two intense stories that are sure to appeal to fans of the game’s signature style of action and intrigue. The first story, “Powder,” is written by Fred Kennedy with art by Nick Marinkovich, both of whom previously worked together on the “Dead Roman” series for Image Comics.
This story revolves around two Assassins who target a fleet of Templar ships, showcasing a classic confrontation between the Assassins and their age-old enemies, the Templars.
The second story, “Decima,” is penned by veteran Marvel writer Ed Brisson and illustrated by Chris Johnson. It follows the tale of a young girl who witnesses the brutal slaughter of her family and village. Driven by a desire for revenge, she takes up arms to fight back, with the story set in a time before recorded history.
“Decima” explores themes of loss, respect, and valor, while also pushing the boundaries of the Assassin’s Creed universe by venturing into an era further back in history than any previous story in the series.
The official synopsis for “Decima” emphasizes its place in the broader Assassin’s Creed lore, describing it as a tale of survival and vengeance set in a distant and ancient past.
Meanwhile, “Powder” dives into a different historical context, focusing on the Templars’ efforts to expand their influence globally by flooding China with opium. In response, Assassins from different guilds join forces to disrupt the Templar’s plans, adding another layer of intrigue and conflict to the story.
Fans of the series can look forward to the release of “Assassin’s Creed: Visionaries – Powder Decima #1” on October 2, which promises to deliver more of the thrilling, historically rooted narratives that have made the Assassin’s Creed franchise so beloved.